4D Garden

A Mobile Garden
There is little space where people can make a private garden in Tokyo.
So People make the best use of inventiveness with a fantastic humor.
This is a mobile garden. I sometimes look a old woman who brings her cat in a cart. This is another version. Inside her cart, there is a plant not animal. But this is her pet maybe.
We don't need huge ground. We don't need fixed garden. If we have a wheeled garden, we don't need to buy the place. This is a future style.
Finally, Japanese mobile technology invented the mobile garden not only mobile phones. Furthermore, by old woman not technic engineer.
There is the connection between this garden and old Japanese's garden idea:"bon-sai" and "tubo-niwa". Japanese tried to make the smallest garden by the traditional minimum concept. People aware of their limitations of their land. So they invented the sense of minimum. That sense is still remaining in ordinary people's brain. This is 4D garden, not 3D garden, I called.