The Way of Zero Yen Life

" I get it at the gas station." He said to me.
He knows five gas stations where he can get it. He talked with them and got permission. He signed a contract with them! He can get five or six used battery in a week. That battery doesn't work at all for car, but It is enough for using their small electrics. By a used battery, They can watch on 12V-T.V. for 10 days(per five hours in a day)! They always connect it in parallel.
He knows where he can get eletlicity. He has the map only for him.
He can get battery cells for zero yen. He knows the electric shop which junk new electric cells(!). He said to me that on wednesday he can get 10 cells there. He gets it looking like a nut in a mountain. And he always checks a discarded toys for children. Because there is a live electric cells in it. It looks a mushroom the shade of leafves on the ground.
He got a secondhand bicycle from a man who always meets Mr.Suuzuki of his jogging. He gave Mr.Suzuki a grant deed. One day, He helped an old man who is owner of the cloth shop. So he gives many cloths to Mr.Suzuki twice in a year.